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Akeh Baptist Health Center
 The Akey Baptist Health Centre started in 1984 as a primary Health (PHC) under the life abundant Health Care programme of the CBC Health Services. In 1996 the Primary Health Center was transformed to a full-fledged Health Centre of the CBC Health Services. Read more..

Bangolan Baptist Health Center
 The CBC Health Services started Bangolan Baptist Health Centre as a Maternity in 1964 to help women in the community who had no access to delivery services. In 1973, the Maternity was transformed into a Health Centre as a result of increasing need of it quality services by the community. Read more

Belo Baptist Health Center
 Belo Baptist Health Centre (BBHC) is the second oldest health unit of the Cameroon Bapstist Convention Health Services (CBCHS). It is the biggest health centre in the Belo Health Area.. Read more

Finkwi Baptist Health Center
Before 1999, Finkwi had a government health post. The Finkwi Cultural Development Association (FICUDA) applied for funding from the Basel Mission in Switzerland in 1999 to transform the health post into a health centre. About 7 Million FCFA was donated to FICUDA. Read more

 Jikijem Baptist Health Center
 The Jikijem Baptist Health Centre started as far back as 1967 as a colonial health post. It was letter on reconstructed and co-founded by the CBCHS in 1999. From this period the Health Centre grew to meet the expanding need of it communities. Read more

Kwighe Baptist Health Center
This is one of the health centres of the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) which started in 1997 as a Primary Health Centre. It was an initiative of the community placed under the CBC Health Services Life Abundant Primary (LAP) Healthcare programme. Read more

Lassin Baptist Health Center

Lassin Baptist Health Centre started as a government community health post. In 1992, the community applied for the creation of a CBC Health Services health unit in the village. Following the application, a team was sent from Banso to carry out feasibility studies which culminated in the conversion of the government health post into a CBC Health Services run unit in 1999. Read more

Ndu Baptist Health Center

 Ndu Baptist Health Center is one of the prominent health centers of the CBC Health Services that provide quality health services to the inhabitance of Ndu. Ndu Baptist Health Center was created in August 24, 1987 following a letter issued by the Minister of public health authorizing its creation. Read more

Ngeptang Baptist Health Center

Ngeptang Baptist Health Centre started as a Government Health Post in the 80s and was later handed to the community. On September 12, 1999 the health post was handed over to the CBC Health Services in order that the population can continue to enjoy quality health care services.  Read more.

Nkwen Baptist Health Center

Nkwen Baptist Health Centre is located within the Baptist Centre Nkwen premises in Bamenda at the Finance Junction neighbourhood. It started on May 2, 1979 in a rented structure as a dispensary. Read more

Romkong Baptist Health Center

 Haven transformed from primary Health Center (PHC) in 1995 to a full Health Center in 2007, Romkong Baptist Health Center (RBHC) is a creation of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health services (CBCHS). Read more.

Sabga Baptist Health Center

Prior to 1986, the community of Sabga observed a need for a health centre in their community. A health committee was therefore formed and two villagers were designated for training; one as a Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) and the other as a Pharmacy Staf.  Read more

Health Centers