The Scholarship Schemes are run with funds donated Locally, Nationally and internationally by donors with interest in specific disability areas. We rely on the benevolence of donors for sustenance.
CBCHS Scholarship Service for Persons with Disabilities
The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Health Services Scholarship Scheme has been borne from the desire to continue to improve access to quality Inclusive Education for children with disabilities in the Northwest Region and Cameroon in general. One of CBC Health Services’ strategy is to provide scholarships to young Cameroonians with disabilities who cannot access quality education for financial reasons. This Scholarship Service gives destitute children the opportunity to enjoy their fundamental right to education. The Scholarship service operates six schemes, and two of these schemes, will go operational in the 2020/2021 academic year, namely, the Wil Schijvershof Scholarship for deaf girls and the Blind Scholarship for Learners with severe to profound visual impairment.
The Scholarship Schemes are run with funds donated Locally, Nationally and internationally by donors with interest in specific disability areas. We rely on the benevolence of donors for sustenance.
Have a Scholarship in mind?
Or a Donation to make
If you have a Scholarship, reach out to us. Whether it is a small or big.
For any DONATIONS, click