Editorial: The Relevance of CBCHS’ Mission and Vision
The Good Book says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish" - Proverbs 29:18. The importance of mission and vision for the health of any Organization cannot be over-emphasized! More
A Mission statement defines the primary objective of an organization; the business, products or services, and customers. It provides detailed information about what the organization does, how it does, and who it does it for. So indeed, it helps focus the Organization on what really matters - to itself as well as to its stakeholders. Whereas, the Vision statement focuses on its goals and aspirations, which describes how the future will look if the organization achieves its mission. The mission and vision of any veritable organization should be timeless.
The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization. (From Blog Article by Colour Infusion, Cochrane AB - https://colourinfusion.ca)
Not having clear mission and vision statements would be like going on a journey without knowing the direction you are to follow or the destination.
The CBC Health Services is a Nonprofit, Faith-based, Humanitarian and Inclusive healthcare Organization that addresses both clinical, social, and public health problems affecting individuals and communities in Cameroon in particular and Africa at large. It is one of the departments of the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC). CBC founded in 1954 is a living fellowship of churches growing in grace, strengthening one another in faith and working together in obedience to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through worship, preaching, teaching, healing and social ministries. (www.cbc-cm.org).
Quality care to all!
The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Service (CBCHS) has as mission to provide care to all who need it as an expression of Christian love and as a means of witness in order that, they might be brought to God through Jesus Christ. Thus, the CBCHB shall provide exemplary Health care with genuine compassion and with overriding purpose of evangelical witness. This is drawn from Matthew 9:35-36. Her vision is, “Quality care to all”.
The CBCHS since its establishment has been operating in Cameroon striving to further her mission and by no means deviating from it. They strive to PROVIDE CARE TO ALL WHO NEED IT AS AN EXPRESSION OF CHRISTIAN LOVE AND AS A MEANS OF WITNESS. If you go through the Scripture, Jesus ministered to all – those with leprosy, the prostitutes - I mean all who were rejected in the society; even those who hated Him. He had a goal in mind, His goal was the salvation of mankind. As the arm of the church, the CBC Health Services seeks to provide Care to all who need it as an expression of this Christian love and equally as a means of evangelical witness. Jesus fully aware that Judas Iscariot would later betray Him did not disown him but ministered to him as well.
Quality care to all!
The CBCHS has stood the test of time even in the current crisis situation; She has never deviated from providing care to all who need it. She has been seen in hard-to-reach areas. This is because, she developed a clear sense of her values even before the crisis. CBC Health Services' mission statement indicates a clear concern regarding a commitment to "quality and maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity in its dealings with all stakeholders”.
We equally praise God for the transformational leaders in the CBC Health Services who inspire, energize, and intellectually stimulate and stir employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the benefit of individual work groups and the organization as a whole.
The CBC Health Services has used her mission statement as a constant guide for her actions. She is out to satisfy customers’ needs. The mission of the CBCHS is clear: equality ("the proposition that all men are created equal and in the image of God")
Persevering through tragedy is not easy. The CBCHS has not let her shortcomings to keep her from her work. Staying true to her mission and vision has kept her in focus to learn from any challenges and sailing through when and where many are failing!!!
CCCP extending Clubfoot Treatment; Three more Clinics officially set up
The Cameroon Clubfoot Care Program (CCCP) continues to take measures to ensure quality treatment of the clubfoot deformity in Cameroon. More
The Program coordination team undertook a visit to seven of its treatment clinics in the Littoral, South West and West Regions of Cameroon from January 27 to February 1, 2025.
The objective of the visit led by the CCCP National Coordinator, Mr. Tamon James was to officially put in place new clubfoot clinics, donate clubfoot treatment materials to new and old clinics and train staff of new clinics on reporting and documentation of human-interest stories.
During the visit, three new treatment clinics were officially set up in St. John of God Hospital, Yassa Douala, Centre D’Accueil et d’Observation de Bepanda, Douala and ARCH, Mile 14, Dibanda, Buea. Each of the clinics received donations of treatment materials including significant quantities of plaster of Paris, soft roll, awareness raising and visibility materials among others.
Working session with staff of St. John
The donations were preceded by meetings with the leaders of the Health facilities. During the meetings, the CCCP National Coordinator provided orientation on working modalities and the facilities’ engagement with the CCCP in ensuring the effective functioning of the clinics.
All leaders of the 3 facilities, in response to the official clinic set ups and reception of the treatment materials, expressed profound gratitude to the CBC Health Services and Hope and Healing International who through the CCCP have chosen and capacitated their facilities to provide clubfoot treatment. They promised to do all within their capacities to ensure that the clinics function without any hitches.
Working session
A kick off treatment session took place in each of the 3 new clinics during which the skills of the staff who had undergone a 3-day training some weeks ago were sharpened on the Ponseti treatment which is a nonsurgical but most effective method of treating the clubfoot deformity. They were provided hands off demonstration and guidance on the correction of the feet of children who turned up for treatment. The onsite support was provided by the Regional Clubfoot Focal Persons, Nfor Wilfred for the Littoral and Fanfon Timothy for the South West regions respectively. This onsite support will continue for a few more weeks for the staff to have total mastery of the ponseti technique.
The Coordination team also visited, supported and provided treatment materials to four old clinics being Baptist Hospital Mutengene, Foumban Regional Hospital Annex, Baptist Hospital Bafoussam and Ngounso Baptist Hospital clubfoot treatment clinics.
The Cameroon Clubfoot Care Program greatly upholds the wellbeing and safety of children during treatment. Reason why the CCCP Safeguarding Officer, Maureen Mbongeh after assessing child safeguarding in the clinics, provided the staff with orientation on child safeguarding. She also put in place a child safeguarding policy for signing by all treatment staff.
Program team being received in Centre d'Accuiel
At each clinic, the CCCP Communications Officer, Tina Ashiyo provided guidance on documenting and reporting human interest stories. She highlighted the importance of success stories in resource mobilization by the funding partner and in awareness creation and encouraging uptake of services by other parents of children with clubfoot. On his part, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Yingoh Haris guided the clinic staff on documenting data on reporting tools and inputting in the CCCP electronic data base.
The CCCP team also discussed the putting in place of strategies for the broadcast of the doodle animated documentary on the different stages of clubfoot treatment for the education of parents for adherence.
The Cameroon Clubfoot Care Program with the establishment of the 3 new clinics now provides treatment in 29 clinics in 6 Regions of Cameroon. The program implements its activities, thanks to funding from Hope and International.
Handing over ceremony of the PMEL Manager
The handing over ceremony took place on the 30th of January, 2025 at the director of health services conference hall. More
The director of health services Mr Ngum Samuel was ushered in by Mr Wango Barnabas, Public relation officer and assistant administrator as the ceremony began. A word of prayer and devotion was done by Pastor Shey Felix drawing context from the book of Ephesians 4: 29 on the unity of the church mirroring it to unity in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) organisation, and how effective communication techniques and interactions amongst our colleagues can make or mar this unity.
Mr. Ndzi Emmanuel (left) taking over as PMEL Manager from Mr. Achataseh
The opening remarks was given by the Director of Health services where he thanked the PMEL team for their work under the outgoing Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) Manager Mr Achataseh Godwill. He also laid emphasis on the great usage of tools for improvement of the quality of the CBCHS. “We need to use the tools at our disposal for and we have valuable tools that can be used in quality improvement of our services. And if we talk about quality in our services and we say we want to strengthen the system then we have to make use of these valuable tools and to drive changes within the system” the Director of Health Services said. He also emphasized the need for information to be able to drive these changes which will bring about innovations as we can see through the change of leadership of the PMEL manager.
Outgoing PMEL manager Mr Achataseh Godwill had some few words as he recounts the birth of the PMEL department, where they started from, under the leadership of former Director of Health services Prof T. Pius, acknowledging the role he played in enforcing the PMEL strategy as well as his guidance and encouragement. He also shed some light on how far the department has come, what comprises of the PMEL and how resourceful and impactful they have been. He goes further to express excitement for the department with the incoming PMEL manager Mr Ndzi Emmanuel.
Director of Health Services appraing the PMEL initiative
Incoming PMEL manager Mr Ndzi Emmanuel addressed the audience by accepting responsibility of the PMEL Manager for the CBCHS and gave his appreciation outgoing PMEL manager for the foundation he has laid in the strategy. He also pledged to continue building on this foundation and taking the PMEL strategy to the next level as well as bringing to fruition his vision of for the PMEL strategy and to work closely with his colleagues in the realisation of this vision and the PMEL strategies.
This was followed by the formal handover signing process by both departing and new PMEL Manager, marking the official change in leadership of the PMEL Department of the CBCHS.
The ceremony ended with closing remarks from the Deputy Director of Administration and Finance (DDAF) Mr Warri Denis where he extended a hand of fellowship and welcoming to the new PMEL Manager in representation of the Director of Health Services, followed by word of prayer from Rev Mbuh Julius and crowned with general pictures.
CBC Ushers in New Era of Rehabilitation in Cameroon with State-of-the-Art Training Centre
The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBC HS) has inaugurated its state-of-the-art Rehabilitation Training Centre of Excellence in Ombe, More
South West Region. The ceremony on January 25, 2025, was presided over by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Chief Foreke Asongtia Valentine, alongside key stakeholders including the Directors of the Liliane and AFAS Foundations, major funders of the project, and the CBC Executive President, who dedicated the facility to God.
Representative of the Minister of Social Affairs commending the CBCHS' efforts in spearheading social inclusion for people with disabilities in Cameroon
Representing the Minister of Social Affairs, Madam Pauline Irene Nguene, Chief Foreke Asongtia conveyed the Minister's gratitude to the CBC for constructing this magnificent facility. “This training center for rehabilitation personnel aligns perfectly with the government's policy of inclusion, recognizing the importance of empowering persons with disabilities," Chief Foreke stated. The Minister’s envoy recognized the need for high-quality training to address the challenges faced by people with disabilities effectively. It is for this reason that the Ministry validated the training curriculum to ensure the program's effectiveness, and even witnessed the graduation of the first batch of trainees, demonstrating the Minister’s strong support for this vital initiative.
This cutting-edge facility, born from a decade-long partnership between CBC Health Services and the esteemed Dutch foundations, Liliane Foundation and AFAS Foundation, marks a pivotal moment in addressing the critical shortage of qualified rehabilitation professionals in the nation. "This is a significant milestone for the CBC HS and a crucial step towards achieving the 2030 rehabilitation agenda," stated Rev. Dr. Teke John, Executive President of the CBC. "The RTCE will train a new generation of rehabilitation professionals, providing hope and improving the lives of countless individuals with disabilities," the CBC chief executive officer posited.
Rev. Dr. Teke John, Executive President, Proprietor of CBC institutions says, Thank You to the funders
Recognizing the profound impact of this partnership, Erik Ackerman, Director of Liliane Foundation, expressed his pride in supporting this transformative project. "This center will not only serve Cameroon but also inspire best practices in rehabilitation training across the African continent". “And now we are here. The centre of excellence is no longer a dream. It has become a reality. The students are no longer a dream, you are here. The lecturers are no longer a dream, you are all here. Everyone who is needed is here.” Those are the last words of Erik Ackerman in an exciting speech during the ceremony highlighting the journey that led to the realization of the gigantic project now called the Rehabilitation Training Centre of Excellence.
Gerben Eversdijk, Director of AFAS Foundation stressed that their organizations strive for the inclusion of children with disabilities worldwide so supporting the training of competent physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and Community-based rehabilitation workers is important for them given that via this, they can help many more children with disabilities and enhance their impact. To them, it is important to have this centre in order to create the next generation of very skilled professionals that can support hundreds of thousands of children in Cameroon. Gerben noted that the work that has been achieved is commendable, a tremendous achievement carried out by the CBC HS and they are all proud to be part.
Eversdijk (AFAS Foundation) and Ackerman (Liliane Foundation) seating closey to Prof Tih at the event.
Quizzed on the way forward after the realization of the project, the Director of AFAS Foundation said that the centre still has some years to reach its full potential with a couple of challenges yet to overcome such as having affordable tuition fees and ensuring the availability of scholarships, there is hope to continuously work on the quality of the program through continuous efforts. “We will definitely be working with the CBCHS in the coming years to see the centre flourish and even expand,” he clinched emphasizing their commitment to the inclusion of children with disabilities worldwide.
Prof. Tih Pius Muffih, Supervisor of Projects in the CBC, for his part, emphasized the 10-year partnership between the CBC Health Services and the Liliane Foundation. He acknowledged their crucial role in funding the Rehabilitation Training Centre of Excellence, an initiative that began in 2016. Through this partnership, the CBC has provided financial and technical assistance to over 20 community-based partner organizations, benefiting more than 3,000 children with impairments annually. These organizations focus on identifying and supporting children with various impairments by ensuring enabling environments, advocacy, sensitization, infrastructural adjustments, and resource mobilization.
Eversdijk (AFAS Foundation) and Ackerman (Liliane Foundation) seating closey to Prof Tih at the event.
CBC Executive President flanked by Fon Foreke (MINAS) and CBC Chairman, Mr. Kongor John
Prof. Tih Pius also stressed on critical gaps in the current rehabilitation training landscape in Cameroon, including no formal training in Community-Based Rehabilitation, no formal training in Occupational Therapy, limited and low-quality training in Physiotherapy and no training in Speech and Language Therapy or other key rehabilitation fields. He announced that the RTCE intends to close these gaps.
The Director of the CBC Health Services, Mr. Ngum Samuel throughout the celebration expressed his gratitude to the funders for their tremendous financial and technical support that brought the vision to life. The support, according to him, is not limited to constructing the facility but spans to touch the lives of people in our communities bringing hope to thousands of children with varied disabilities.
It is important to note that rehabilitation and socio-economic insertion of persons with disability in the CBCHS are embedded in its core values since its inception with the first leprosy hospital today called Mbingo Baptist Hospital. It is for this reason that Mr. Ngum Samuel reiterated the institution's commitment to upholding the highest standards of excellence in training rehabilitation professionals. He accentuated that this investment will benefit not only Cameroon but also the broader Sub-Saharan African region.
Deputy Mayor of Tiko welcomes the construction of RTCE in her municipality
The inauguration marks a significant milestone for Tiko Municipality, according to 2nd Deputy Mayor, Madam Ngomba Ayibe Elmina. She expressed gratitude to the CBC for choosing the community to host this pioneering institution, which will play a crucial role in training rehabilitation professionals and advancing Cameroon's 2030 rehabilitation agenda.
The RTCE is designed to provide comprehensive training in critical areas such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech and language therapy disciplines that have long faced a dearth of qualified professionals in Cameroon. This initiative aligns perfectly with the nation's commitment to the 2030 rehabilitation agenda, ensuring a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system.
Cross section of CBCHS Administrators at the Innauguration Event
Health Board chairs and vice, Prof. Torimiro & Prof Kimbi actively mastering activities of the CBCHS
The ceremony was a touching occasion filled with gratitude and appreciation. Key figures, including Prof. Tih Pius Muffih, a visionary advocate for the project, Mrs. Agho Glory and her dedicated EDID program team, Mr. Otto Weyers, the Chief Architect, and Marko Filipović from AFAS Foundation, were acknowledged for their invaluable contributions.
As the RTCE opens its doors, a new era of rehabilitation in Cameroon dawns. This center of excellence stands as a symbol of hope, a testament to the power of collaboration, and a beacon of progress in the nation's journey towards a more inclusive, equitable future for all, and a commitment of CBC HS to providing quality healthcare and improving the lives of people with disabilities in Cameroon.
Deaf participants followed proceedings with aid of a sign language specialist
Chiefs of Center pay Courtesy New Year Visit to DHS
Chiefs of Center (COCs) of the CBC Health Services converged on the residence of the Director of Health Services (DHS) on January 10, 2025, with well wishes, updates and plans for the New Year. More
The visit opened with arrival of the Director for CBCHS, Mr Ngum Samuel and singing of joyful songs headed by Madame Juliette and the presentation of gift and a word to the Director by COC by Mr. Ngek Alfred Nshiom and Mr. Kiyo Moses followed by a word of encouragement and strength as well as petitions to the Director presented by the Dean of COCs, Mr. Ekfui Godlove Fonkwa.
DHS admonishing COCs during visit
In a word of prayer and reflection from Genesis 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 4:2, Mr. Chii Francis Mbuh, COC of Ashong Baptist Health Center emphasised thus, “Because we have been called as stewards to handle God’s resources through the CBCHS, we have to shape the way we should live, behave and do things. God expects us to take care of the environment where we are, take care of our finances and also care for the souls in our community in the spiritual aspects of stewardship”.
Deaan of COCs handing over their concerns to the Director
In response, the Director of CHCHS commended the COCs for the successes and said, in avenues where there are failures, he encouraged to use them as avenues for growth and improvement. The DHS encouraged the COCs not to relent in their efforts as they go into the year 2025 and to remain resilient in serving, being steadfast in the overseeing of their centers as well as continuous building of trust. “Let the CBCHS be a family and let us continue to build bond with one another so as to move straight in fulfilling our vision as the CBCHS,” the DHS intimated.
The visit ended with conversations, interactions, conviviality and lots of laughter among the COCs with some refreshment.
showcasing of gift by the Director and Mr Alfred
Words of encouragement from Mr. Kiyo Moses, COC of Kribi to the Director
Unlocking Knowledge: A Transformative Workshop on Circumcision Practices
The Circumcision Improvement program is currently holding the Circumcision Refresher Workshop at the Baptist Center in Nkwen from January 9-10, 2025. More
This workshop, organized by the CBC Health Services Circumcision Improvement Program, aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals involved in circumcision practices within the organization.
The workshop covers a range of important topics, including anatomy and physiology, contraindications for neonatal circumcisions, and innovative techniques using the GOMCO method.
Participants being drilled on the in & out about circumcision
Participants are also exploring pain management and anesthesia for neonatal circumcision, potential complications, and the cultural and religious factors surrounding the procedure.
An interactive atmosphere has been created, featuring Q&A sessions that encourage active participation. Facilitators Dr. Ngock, Tangka Francis, Nang Silas, and Kongnyu Emmanuel , program coordinator are leading the sessions, providing valuable insights and skills to the attending staff.
The workshop serves as an excellent opportunity for healthcare professionals to deepen their understanding of modern circumcision practices and contributes to improved healthcare delivery across CBC Health facilities.