Etoug-Ebe Baptist Hospital, Yaounde is the first CBC Health Services facility in French-speaking Cameroon. It was approved as a hospital by the government in 2016. The facility started as an Elementary Health Centre following its authorization on March 14, 1986. The hospital has a staff strength of 280 including 2 Obstetric Gynaecologists, 1 Part time Cardiologist, 1 Internist , 1 padiatrician, 2 Dental Surgeons, 8 General Practitioners, 7 Screeners and 3 Nurse Practitioners as at April 14 March, 2024. The hospital sees on average 12.000 patients a month. Patients received here come from the Centre Region and its environs; South and East regions of Cameroon as well as from neighbouring Countries as Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Central African Republic. The hospital started maternity services on July 16, 2021 and on August 19, 2022, they started the Maternity theatre to help handle obstetric emergencies in a double setting. The maternity has 18 beds, 6 post-surgical beds, 1 private and 1 Semi private bed ward. There are radiant warmers and baby’s incubator with incorporated phototherapy. The Medical and Pediatric units are functional 24/7 with 10 beds in the Pediatric,. There is also a 10 -bed ward for adult females. The new temporary 11-bed men’s ward was dedicated on Friday April 7, 2023. The outpatient services runs 24/7
General services:
- General consultation
- Pharmacy
- Laboratory
- Treatment room
- Infant Welfare Clinic [Every Mondays and Wednesdays]
- Dental Services
- TB Unit
- Physiotherapy
- Imaging Services
- Eye services
- Antenatal clinic [First visit every Tuesdays and followup: every Thurdays and Fridays]
- Diabetic clinics [1st, 2nd, 3rd Fridays of every month]
- Hypertensive Clinics [1st, 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of every month]
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) services
- HIV and AIDS care
- Women’s Health Program
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)
- Know Your Numbers (KYN)
- Sickle cell disease clinic [every third Saturday of the month]
- Outreach services, Doctor’s support visit
- Chaplaincy and Social services
- Mental Health Services
- A functional and vibrant security department.
- Community Based rehabilitation services.
- In-Patient Services: Men’s Ward, Females’ ward and Children’s ward.
- Maternity services (Deliveries / CS).
- Paediatrics has a radiant warmer and incubator with incorporated phototherapy.
Specialist services:
- Gynecology services – Permanent
- Ophthalmology – Every Thurdays and Fridays
- Dermatology – Programmed monthly
- Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon – Programmed
- Orthopedic Surgeon – Programmed
- Internist – Permanent
- Cardiologist Every Thursdays
- Pediatrician Permanent
Supervision Capacity
Etoug-Ebe Baptist Hospital Yaounde supervises Voundou Baptist Health Centre, The hospital carries out support visits to Voundou Baptist Health every other month.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Etoug-Ebe Baptist Hospital
P.O.BOX 2039 Grand Messa,
Yaounde – Cameroon
(Security): (+237) 677 187 471
Website: https://cbchealthservices.org/hospitals/etougebe-baptist-hospital