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Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action in Health and Protection Sectors for IDPs and Host Communities in the Northwest of Cameroon.



Project Overall Objective

The living conditions, well-being and resilience of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and members of host communities affected by the socio-political crisis in the Northwest Region of Cameroon are strengthened, with special attention to the rights and needs of persons with disabilities.

Specific Objective

Improved access to inclusive humanitarian assistance and protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and members of host communities with special attention to the rights and needs of persons with disabilities in the North-West Region, Cameroon


Project Activities/Key Project Areas

  1. Health: Improving access to inclusive and accessible health care, providing care to those affected by the conflict, improving the availability of accessible health information, mainstreaming disability in the coordination of activities.
  1. Protection: Mainstream disability as an important and often overlooked aspect of protection, strengthen participation opportunities for people with and without disabilities by supporting the issuance of birth and identity documents, strengthen the cluster’s SGBV prevention and treatment efforts, and establish/participate in an appropriate referral mechanism.

Project Outcomes/Outputs

Output 1. Local, national, and international humanitarian organizations, donor agencies, and government (humanitarian) actors improve their policies and practices of inclusive humanitarian aid and implement disability-mainstreaming measures in their programs.

Output 2. Capacities of persons with disabilities and organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) are increased for effective advocacy and meaningful and active contribution to inclusive humanitarian response.

Output 3. People with disabilities and other at-risk groups in host communities and among IDPs in the North-West Region have improved access to quality, accessible, and inclusive health, rehabilitation, and other basic services.

Funding Partners

  • Federal Foreign Officer (FFO) Germany
  • Christian Blind Mission (CBM)

Implementing Partner in the North West Region

  • Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Health Services

Co Implementing Partners

  • Coordinating Unit of Associations of Persons with Disabilities (CUAPWD) Northwest Region
  • Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs)
  • UBA Bank


Total Expected: 27730

Men without disabilities: 5546

Men with disabilities: 1387

Boys without disabilities: 832

Boy with disabilities: 1941

Women without disabilities: 6933

Women with disabilities: 8319

Girls without disabilities: 832

Project Activities

Capacity building of health service providers

What are the services that this Project Offers? Protection Sectors

  • Assess and train Humanitarian Organizations to include persons with disabilities in emergency response.
  • Train and assign community sign language interpreters to facilitate access and participation of deaf people in emergency relief.
  • Network with local leaders to effectively implement project activities in communities.
  • Training persons with disabilities to effectively participate in the response activities of organisations
  • Assist Organizations of Persons with Disabilities to advocate for inclusion in humanitarian assistance.
  • Support the acquisition of essential documents including birth certificates, national disability cards and national identity card for persons with disabilities.
  • Set-up and train groups to support people with disabilities in the event of an emergency.

Health Sectors

  • Modify selected health facilities in the community to make them accessible to persons with disabilities.
  • Support selected health facilities to provide affordable services to needy persons.
  • Train health workers on humanitarian principles and disability inclusive service delivery to enable them provide services to everyone in need.
  • Organize community outreach screenings to take eye, physiotherapy, mental health, ear and hearing care, non-communicable diseases, malaria, HIV/AIDS, Women’s’ Health, to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Provide medical interventions to survivors of gender-based violence (women, girls) including those with disabilities.
  • Identify and train Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) field workers and volunteers to identify, refer and follow-up people in need of medical services.
  • Assess rehabilitation needs and provide assistive devices and mobility aids to persons with disabilities.
  • Put in place a channel to encourage beneficiaries and the wider community to provide complaints and feedback about the services provided through this project.
Capture 2

How can someone benefit?

  • People and families of people who need medical assistance and are unable to go to the hospital should attend a CBC Health Services outreach clinic for consultation and treatment at little or no cost.
  • People and families of people who need health care that can only be provided in a hospital but who cannot afford to go to the hospital should go to any of the health facilities listed here for assessment, consultation and treatment at little or no cost.
  • Survivors of child abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and neglect) whose lives are threatened should go to any of the health facilities listed here for management at no cost.
  • Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (physical, psychological, sexual, rape, economic, and harmful traditional practices) should go to any of the health facilities listed here for management at no cost.
  • People identified in need of assistive devices will have their measurements taken and their devices provided to them for free. They shall also be trained by a CBR worker on how to use and manage their devices.
  • People with disabilities who have lost essential documents including birth certificates, ID cards and disability cards will be supported to reestablish these documents and the project will cover the cost.
  • Needy people with critical health conditions identified and referred to Project Health facilities for immediate health intervention.
  • Any other person whose needs have been assessed and he/she meets beneficiaries’ requirements will benefit accordingly.

Who can benefit from this project?

Children, Adolescents, Women (especially pregnant and lactating women), girls, persons with disabilities, the elderly, internally displaced persons, Host Communities and Returnees, who have been disadvantaged by the humanitarian crisis either as a result of insecurity, displacement, limited or no access to drinking water, basic services and land.

Note: There is a well-defined criteria that helps to determine the support that is given to those assessed to be vulnerable.

Training OPD leaders on functioning of humanitarian systems and on advocacy

Training OPD leaders on functioning of humanitarian systems and on advocacy

Where to access Project Medical Services

Mezam Division

  • SAJOCAH, Bafut
  • Sabga Baptist Health Center

Momo Division

  • Batibo District Hospital
  • Mbengwi District Hospital

Menchum Division

  • Wum District Hospital

Donga Mantung Division

  • Ndu Baptist Health Center
  • Nkambe District Hospital

Bui Division

  • Banso Baptist Hospital

Ngoketunjia Division

  • Ndop District Hospital
  • Bangolan Baptist Health Center
  • Finkwi Baptist Health Center

Boyo Division

  • Mbingo Baptist Hospital
  • Njinikom Catholic Hospital

Fundong District Hospital

WOUND CARE Wounds can cause infections as well as can lead to disabilities or even loss of life.

Traumatic Wounds

These are wounds that result from any foreign body impact resulting in tissue damage.

Traumatic wounds can make life miserable and lead to deadly consequences if not properly handled.


  • Gun shots
  • Explosives
  • Natural disasters like landslides, earth quakes etc
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Falls

First Aid Management

For mild cases, wash the area with clean water and soap

  • Apply Vaseline
  • Seek medical attention

Disadvantages/Consequences of delaying with wounds in the community can lead to the following consequences;

  • Infection
  • Increase in the size of the wound
  • Decreased quality of life
  • Loss of body part and disability
  • Contractures (Lack of motion)
  • Increase in cost of treatment
  • Death

Note: Traumatic wounds are considered as high-risk wounds because of risk of infection. For this reason, hospital management is highly recommended so that tetanus vaccine can be given and bacterial infection managed.


Microorganisms can cause infectious diseases ranging from common colds, skin infections and viruses like HIV/AIDS and the Corona Virus

Causes of infectious diseases

  • Not washing hands properly after using the toilet, contact with individuals, before preparing or eating food, after doing work and performing other dirty tasks.
  • When clean objects touch dirty ones and mixing clean and dirty clothes.
  • When an infected person breathes, sings, shouts, talks, sneezes or speaks in the presence of others without covering the mouth and nostrils.
  • Open Defecation in bushes, nearby streams, and buckets.
  • Eating of contaminated food and drinking of contaminated water.
  • Poor disposal of waste/dirt.
  • Tight, dirty and unaired rooms, and dirty environments.
  • Poor personal hygiene like not bathing, washing and changing dresses regularly.
  • Being in contact with clinical waste like infected stuff, used plasters, needles, clothing etc.
  • Direct contact with infected matter from wounds, bodily fluids and other stock from infected or sick persons.
  • Non and inaccurate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such face masks, gloves and aprons.


Infection Prevention Measures

  • Frequent washing of hands with soap and water;
    • after greeting many people, using the toilet, coughing, blowing your nose, sneezing, using tissues, feeding or stroking your pet, or visiting or caring for a sick person.
    • before eating, cooking, breastfeeding, changing baby’s diapers.
    • anytime there is need to wash hands.
  • Sanitize your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth and face with unwashed hands.
  • Separate clean clothes and items from dirty ones.
  • Clean items that have dropped on the floor.
  • Avoid breathing directly into someone’s face.
  • Avoid being in close contact with people who are sick of any respiratory infection or sharing personal items with them.
  • Construct latrine with closed lids for family and communal use.
  • Avoid defecating in the open.
  • Drink water only from a well-treated source or you decontaminate water by simple straining and boiling.
  • Ventilate your house by opening doors and windows daily.
  • Clean and decongest your home and environment regularly.
  • Always temporally store waste/dirt in a closed container and dispose in a safe and designated area.
  • Get a vaccine for those infections and viruses that have one.
  • Practice physical distancing from members outside your household, when appropriate.
  • Stay at home if you are sick so you do not spread the illness to other people.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, then dispose of it. If no tissue is handy, cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than into your hands.
  • Do not share cups, glasses, dishes, cutlery, cigarettes etc.
  • Wear a face mask when in public places to protect yourself from being infected and to avoid infecting others.
  • Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces in your home and workplace.
  • Taking prescribed medications, as directed by health professionals.
  • Avoid direct contact with napkins, tissues, handkerchiefs, or similar items used by others.

Taking the above measures will prevent infections including the Corona virus.

Complaint, Feedback and Response Mechanism (CFRM)

For your complaints, feedback, suggestions and comments about our services contact our CFR Officer through call, message, WhatsApp beep or email

MTN - 651 849 247
ORANGE - 699 926 655

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Contact Us

Your opinions are important to us. Whether it is a simple question or a valuable suggestion, we are here 24/7. You can call us by phone or email us directly.


651 08 20 79
677 36 73 95


DIHA Project
Baptist Center 
Nkwen, Bamenda

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