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About Us

The CBC Health Board Chaplaincy is a Christian Chaplaincy, which is a specialized category of Christian ministry. We speak of CHRISTIAN Chaplaincy as an expression of the ministry which has been entrusted to the church by Jesus Christ. The church through her chaplains proclaims Christ’s presence in a broken world.

The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Board seeks to assist in the provision of care to all who need it as an expression of Christian love and as a means of witness in order that they may be brought to God through Jesus Christ. Thus, the Health Board shall provide exemplary health care with genuine compassion, with overriding purpose of evangelical witness. In compliance with this mission statement, the Chaplaincy was born. Each Chaplain strives to maintain a safe, confidential and supportive environment in which healing and wholeness can occur.

To speak of Chaplaincy is to acknowledge a special form of ministry carried out in a unique manner and offered in an inter-disciplinary team. Chaplaincy partakes of two fold dynamics. On the one hand, the Chaplain sees those to whom he ministers to as Christ would have done. On the other hand, the Chaplain’s goal is to allow others to see Christ in him. It is in these dynamics that the giftedness for ministry and the activities of ministry flow. In a nut shell, the Chaplaincy ministry embraces the mystery of the meaning of life, with its suffering and grief; and enables the process of transformation, celebration and new sense of hope to emerge through proper spiritual assessment.

The Chaplains within the CBCHS are involved in multi-dimensional activities. These activities range from taking care of the psycho-spiritual needs of the clients to those of their care givers, clients’ visitors and the staff of the facilities where they are assigned to serve. Among many other things, the Chaplains within the CBCHS are involved in;

  • Grief and loss care
  • Spiritual assessment and intervention
  • Facilitation of spiritual issues related to loss of limb, function of life
  • Communicating with clients/caregivers and seeking to relate their needs and concerns to the Doctors and nurses
  • Facilitation of staff communication
  • Conflict resolution among staff members, patients and family members

  • Referral linkage to internal and external resources
  • Assistance with decision making and communication regarding the affairs of those dying.
  • Staff support relative to personal crises or work stress. Etc
  • Also as members of an interdisciplinary team, they are involved in medical rounds and patient care conferences where they offer perspectives on the spiritual status of patients.
  • They also design and lead in religious ceremonies of worship and rituals such as prayer meditation (devotions) and reading of the Bible.
  • Communion and Baptism
  • Memorial Services and funerals

As mediators and reconcilers, they function as advocates between the institutions and patients, family members and staff.

They also clarify and interpret institutional policies to patients,

They as well meet the Social needs of clients in centers where there are no Social workers. In this wise they assess and offer support for food, medical bills, transport and communication for the clients.