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Baptist Hospital Mutengene


Baptist Hospital Mutengene (BHM) came into existence in January 1994 when the women of the Limbe Field wrote to the Director of health Services requesting for a clean and safe delivery home for them to deliver of their babies. It was upgraded to a hospital on September 24, 2007. It is one of the outstanding referral hospitals of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) that provides specialist services. As of today, BHM has about 600 workers. The hospital is blessed with 29 Medical doctors including 3 Orthopedic Surgeons, a pharmacist, a resident Ophthalmologist, a resident Pediatrician, a Cardiologist,  2 Internists and 257 Nurses. A Dermatologist and Retina Surgeon come on monthly support visit. Clients in BHM come from the Southwest and Littoral regions of Cameroon, and from neighboring countries like Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Nigeria for specialist services. BHM has about 178 hospital beds spread in many wards and attends to an average of 10745 patients monthly. The hospital is opened 24/7.

Our Services

Outpatient Services:

  • General Consultation
  • Dental Clinic – Dental Consultations, Extractions, Fillings, Root Canal Therapy (RCT), Scaling and Polishing (cleaning), Dental X-Rays, Dentures, Crown and bridges, Reduction of Fracture Jaws, Orthodontic treatment, minor Surgeries (like excision of epulis),Cauterization of oral warts, Cyst Removal.
  • ENT (ear, nose and throat)
  • Laboratory – Bio Chemistry(Chemistry Analyzer [Cobas C111], Biolyte 2000 Electrolyte Analyzer, Microwell Reader for Elisa and A Point of Care, Fine Care Analyzer) Parasitology (Microscope, Uriset Machine), Haematology (2 Celtacs Automated haematology Analyzers), Bacteriology, Serology, Blood Banking. With the above benches and equipments, the BHM Lab is able to to run the following tests: Basic Metabolic Panel(BMP), Complete mtabolic Panel (CMP), Lipid Panels, Liver, Cardiac Panel. Blood bank has been able to serve the hospital’s blood need especially the multiple surgeries carried out.
  • Pharmacy – Dispensing of drugs, compounding of drugs (drug preparation) Prepacking of drugs (tablets and ointments) Clinical Pharmacy in the wards, Stock Management of drugs, Clean bottles for the serving of Liquid drugs, Supervise Management of Drugs in other hospital departments, Counselling of Drug use, Give information to drug prescribers, Health Education to Patients, Prescription Intervention.
  • Eye Care clinic – General Eye Checks, Auto Refraction and Subjective Refraction, Pulse Air to know the Eye pressure, Slit Lamb Examination, Visual Field Testing, Cut and Dispense Glasses, Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma Surgery Retinal Surgery and other minor surgeries.
  • Palliative Care – Offers Care to persons with serious health challenges, Holistic Assessment, physical Pain Management with drugs like Morphine, Psycho-Social and Spiritual Support, Counselling is done on diseases processes together with end of life care and bereavement support, Good Nursing Care and Education to patients and families. Home Visits to patients who cannot come to the facility. As a preventive aspect of Palliative Care, Hepatitis B Vaccination is administered. As part of compassion in action, Care is given to all irrespective of their means.
  • Social Services/ Psychosocial support
  • Chaplaincy/ Spiritual Support
  • Nutrition Improvement Programme
  • Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Testing and counselling of pregnant women, breast feeding mothers, their partners, exposed infants [children born from HIV positive mother], and children from one to five years old at the level of Infant Welfare Clinic (IWC), follow-up of pregnant positive women and placing them on treatment ensuring they are virally suppressed. Follow-up infants from birth to 18 months making sure they are negative at 18 months. Linkage of positive infants below 18 months and positive male partners to treatment centers. Place positive breast feeding mothers and pregnant women on treatment.
  • HIV and AIDS Management Unit – Pediatric AIDS Care, Extended Forum of Care (EFC), Case identification, Follow-up of people on anti-retroviral treatment (ARVs) by calling, home visits, community visits/outreach, Viral load Uptake and Suppression for those on treatment, TB prophylaxis and opportunistic Infections Prophylaxis, Psycho-therapy Counselling of patients and their families, Family Planning integrated Services  exclusive for our patients, Organize parents forums, support group clinics for both children and adolescents, Management of Advanced HIV Diseases.
  • Orthopedics (Persons with fractures, Extensive Wounds, all kinds of Bone Deformities [Valgus, Varus, Clubfoot, etc], Bone replacements [Total Hip Arthroplasty, Total Knee Arthroplasty]
  • Clinical Imaging –  (X-Ray [Chest x-ray, Lumbosacral, pelvic x-rays, x-rays at the extremities, special exams, Uretrocystography Utrasound [Obstetrical ultrasound, Pelvic Ultrasound, abdominal Ultrasound, Small parts( thyroid, testicular, breasts, ocular…) Doppler ultrasound, Cardiac Ultrasoun], Electrocardiography [EKG], 
  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)/WASH – Training/Education of staff and community members on IPC practices including hand hygiene, waste management, basic hygiene and sanitation, follow-up, monitor implementation and give feedback, Carryout research on outbreaks.
  • Physiotherapy– Manage patients with musculoskeletal pain, Do rehabilitation for patients with neuromuscular diseases like Stroke and Paraplegic, Manage Congenital deformities like clubfoot, Manage patients with mobility deficits, Educate patients and family on good body mechanics, Manage children with celebral palsy, educate patients on various ways to prevent deformities, handle Patients with degenerative joint diseases like arthritis, mange acute and chronic pain with physical modalities and exercise. Health talks to patients on the services we offer.
  • Women’s Health Program – Cervical Cancer Screening, Clinical Breast Examination, Counselling and Family Planning, Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination, We do Outreach and Health Talks on the aforementioned services.
  • Mental Health Consultation
  • Diabetic Clinic
  • Pediatric and Adult Oncology
  • Operation Room – General and Orthopedic Surgeries
  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Unit
  • Youth Network for Health
  • Sickle Cell Clinic
  • Rest House
  • A Classic Canteen
  • Express Services
  • Internist Consultation

Inpatient Services:

  • Emergency Services at the Outpatient Department (OPD)
  • Emergency Unit
  • Maternity Services –  Prim-nursery with incubator services, Maternity waiting home, Antenatal Clinic, Infant Welfare Clinic, Postpartum Care Services, Labour and Delivery
  • General Surgery wards
  • Orthopedics
  • Male, female and Children’s wards
  • One-stop-Shop/ Gender Based Violence (GBV) Services
  • Day Care Centre for Staff Babies
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Trauma centre for trauma patients
  • Knee Cap replacement surgery
  • Hip replacement surgery

Specialists on Program/Schedule

  • Dermatologist
  • Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon
  • Retinal surgeon

Outreach and Sensitization

BHM organizes health sensitization and education campaigns through the Youth Network for Health, Extended Forum of Care. The hospital also embarks on vaccination campaigns.

Covid-19 Vaccination site

Cholera Vaccination site

Malaria Vaccination Site


  • Setting up a  private ward in the Trauma centre. There is also a research & educational capacity Unit that is to be attached to the trauma center.
  • Construction of a housing facility for staff & visiting doctors.
  • Creation of more Change Rooms for staff
  • Arrangement of a parking lot for vehicles
  • Upgrade the maternity catering house
  • Dig a waste pit for burning non-medical waste
  • Make storage cupboards for clients/patients’ luggage
  • Work on hospital Signage
  • Linking the walk way of the Maternity Block and the Imaging Block

Contact Information


BHM is found in the town of Mutengene in the Southwest Region of Cameroon.

Contact Information


Baptist Hospital Mutengene

PO Box 152, Tiko

Fako Division, South West Region Cameroon, West Africa

Telephone Numbers:

Security Office: +237 67765 8947

Main Office: +237 67760 5430


SNS :+237 675376688

