Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning, PMEL, Zonal Coordinators Convene to Evaluate 1st year’s Activities
The Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning, PMEL, Program zonal coordinators from the entire country convened at the Nkwen Baptist Center to harmonize their work and provide further direction and assistance for the way forward.
The 2-day workshop that took place from June 26-27, 2024 was very pivotal to identifying their learnings and challenges while working on innovative strategies.
PMEL coordinators, pay close attention to data, analyzing and providing orientation for informed decision-making in facilities. They work alongside data clerks and all facility heads to curate and analyze data from activities. This coordination workshop which doubled as a capacity building forum was an opportunity for the participants to conduct effective quality assurance with data from the institutions in their zones of coverage, and carry out effective and insightful controls.
Navigating the results of analysis of their first year in service as zonal coordinators, they discussed their challenges and learnings, pointing out the importance of their roles to inform decision making at the level of the facilities. After an insightful session on their field experience, their data was controlled, their work harmonized and further direction and assistance was provided to them.
To Mr Achataseh Godwill, Program Manager of the PMEL Program, “They are effective and resourceful tools to achieving the PMEL strategy and objectives. They are practically Business officials in their zones, intentionally looking at the health of our business, the Health Services, asking critical questions like what can be done to improve on the entire package. To this, Action plans will be implemented to enhance the quality of PMEL officials in the sites, and quality of services as they cut across all services, and have up-to-date data”.
The Director of Health Services, Mr. Ngum Samuel encouraged the participants to be meticulous in gathering information for decision-making, showing that they are pivotal staff at the facility level. He further motivated them to handle their job with confidence, commitment, and excitement, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality. “Guiding leaders to take decisions make you a leader and you must proof that you are one in how effectively you dispense your duties, so, ensure that your work is impactful” the DHS admonished.
These zonal coordinators cover all regions in which is found the CBC Health Services, collaborating closely with the administrators of hospitals, and chiefs of center, clinics and Primary Health Centers. They also provide direct response and orientation from the central office to the facilities.