Newly Elected CBC Leaders inducted, installed with Resounding Calls for Reconciliation
The Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) turned a new page in her 70 years history on Saturday, January 11, 2024 in Nkwen Baptist Church in Bamenda following the induction and installation of newly elected leaders of the Church. Rev. Dr. Teke John Ekema, 45, took over the baton from Rev. Dr. Nditemeh Charlemagne as the fifteenth CBC chief executive, the second Executive President (EP) and the second indigene from the Southwest region to be elected to the pinnacle of the CBC since 1954.
The Executive President was inducted and installed alongside Mr. Kongor John Kwa, 62, as CBC Chairman and Mrs. Sofa Caroline nee Monteh, 49, as Vice Chairperson. Coming largely from the French background, Mrs. Sofa Caroline comes to the helm with a peculiarity of representing the minority French Christian population in the CBC leadership for the first time.
The context in which this new team was coming into office was equally peculiar with dissenting voices and cases in court against the outgoing leadership over constitutional distortions. With a new team coming in with its uniqueness and peculiarity, it is seemingly clear that a new day has dawn on the CBC.
Outgone CBC Executive President, Rev. Dr. Nditemeh Charlemagne took the first step towards peace and reconciliation when he backed out to seek re-election for a second mandate during the elective General Session of the Convention that held on November 23, 2024 in twelve centers throughout the country in keeping with the decentralized system as outlined in the 2023 CBC Constitution which was validated by way of a referendum during the same Session. “Peace be with You” from John 14:27 is, therefore, the theme of the CBC for 2025 to pursue the peace process to the end.
From this premise, all the officials that mounted the pulpit at the induction of the new CBC leaders called for peace and reconciliation to preoccupy their mandate. Speaking on behalf of CBC Directors and leaders, Rev. Dr. Paul Mokake Wose, Director of Evangelism and Missions used the analogy of a plane in trouble skies to describe the situation of the CBC at the moment. On behalf of his colleagues, Rev. Dr. Mokake pledged their allegiance to the in-coming Executive President and his team in their pursuit to reconcile the CBC. The representative of the Fon of Nkwen received thunderous applause when his speech was not beyond a prayer of thanks for the CBC.
Bamenda City Mayor, Paul Achobong praised the CBC as a major development agent in his municipality, but lamented the crushing effects of the ongoing crisis on churches in Bamenda including the CBC. The SDO for Mezam, representative of Northwest Governor joined the in-coming CBC Executive President to call on CBC Christians who took to the courts to withdraw the cases and seek reconciliation. According to the senior civil administrator, the CBC is well structured to handle her affairs more than the courts.
Two former CBC General Secretaries expertly handled the homily. Rev. Dr. Donald Ndichafah read the Scriptures from Nehemiah chapter one while Rev. Peter Nyumnloh used the leadership style of Nehemiah to admonish the in-coming CBC leaders to emulate his example. In a moving sermon, Rev. Peter Nyumnloh outlined four qualities that enabled Nehemiah to manage the crisis facing Israel at the time. Nehemiah had a divine mandate, he was a good listener, an organizer, and a courageous leader – qualities Rev. Nyumnloh said Rev. Dr. Teke John must possess if he must reconcile all shades of opinion in the CBC.
The Icing on the Cake
The in-coming CBC leaders have no intention to fragment the CBC the more. In his maiden address, the Executive President, Rev. Dr. Teke John Ekema thanked the church for the confidence entrusted in him and his team at this time in the history of the CBC. Being the second South Westerner to lead the CBC, he paid tribute to his humble beginnings in his home church in Bokwago in Buea and Mispa Baptist Church in Limbe where he served for 20 years prior to his election to the helm.
In a spirit of humility and recognition, Rev. Teke thanked the outgoing Executive President, Rev. Dr. Nditemeh Charlemagne and his team for a job well in restructuring the CBC in almost all dimensions. Pegging his vision on “Peace and Development,” the in-coming CBC Executive President pledged to consolidate the gains of his predecessor and pursue the course of peace and reconciliation in bringing more development to the CBC. He equally pledged to collaborate with the government to bring solace to Cameroonians especially in the domains of health, education and evangelism.
The high point of the in-coming Executive President’s speech was highly anticipated when he called on all those who dragged the CBC to court to withdraw those cases and come back to the house.
“2025 is a year of Jubilee. The Year of Jubilee in Biblical sense is a year of freedom from slavery and cancellation of debts… It is the year of forgiveness and reconciliation; it is the year of total restoration. I appeal, again, I appeal to our brothers who took the CBC and her leaders to court to, please, withdraw all the court cases and let us come back home together as a family”. Rev. Dr. Teke John believes that this Year of Jubilee will heal all our pains, reason why the vision for his 5-year mandate is, “Peace and Wholistic Development”.
As the curtains closed on the induction and installation of new CBC leaders, the floodgate has been opened to reconcile the church back to the rail of winning the lost world back to Christ as a united body!