Handing over ceremony of the PMEL Manager
The handing over ceremony took place on the 30th of January, 2025 at the director of health services conference hall. The director of health services Mr Ngum Samuel was ushered in by Mr Wango Barnabas, Public relation officer and assistant administrator as the ceremony began. A word of prayer and devotion was done by Pastor Shey Felix drawing context from the book of Ephesians 4: 29 on the unity of the church mirroring it to unity in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) organisation, and how effective communication techniques and interactions amongst our colleagues can make or mar this unity.
The opening remarks was given by the Director of Health services where he thanked the PMEL team for their work under the outgoing Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) Manager Mr Achataseh Godwill. He also laid emphasis on the great usage of tools for improvement of the quality of the CBCHS. “We need to use the tools at our disposal for and we have valuable tools that can be used in quality improvement of our services. And if we talk about quality in our services and we say we want to strengthen the system then we have to make use of these valuable tools and to drive changes within the system” the Director of Health Services said. He also emphasized the need for information to be able to drive these changes which will bring about innovations as we can see through the change of leadership of the PMEL manager.
Outgoing PMEL manager Mr Achataseh Godwill had some few words as he recounts the birth of the PMEL department, where they started from, under the leadership of former Director of Health services Prof T. Pius, acknowledging the role he played in enforcing the PMEL strategy as well as his guidance and encouragement. He also shed some light on how far the department has come, what comprises of the PMEL and how resourceful and impactful they have been. He goes further to express excitement for the department with the incoming PMEL manager Mr Ndzi Emmanuel.
Incoming PMEL manager Mr Ndzi Emmanuel addressed the audience by accepting responsibility of the PMEL Manager for the CBCHS and gave his appreciation outgoing PMEL manager for the foundation he has laid in the strategy. He also pledged to continue building on this foundation and taking the PMEL strategy to the next level as well as bringing to fruition his vision of for the PMEL strategy and to work closely with his colleagues in the realisation of this vision and the PMEL strategies.
This was followed by the formal handover signing process by both departing and new PMEL Manager, marking the official change in leadership of the PMEL Department of the CBCHS.
The ceremony ended with closing remarks from the Deputy Director of Administration and Finance (DDAF) Mr Warri Denis where he extended a hand of fellowship and welcoming to the new PMEL Manager in representation of the Director of Health Services, followed by word of prayer from Rev Mbuh Julius and crowned with general pictures.