BIHS Graduates More Specialist Doctors
The 2020 batch of the Post-Graduate Medical Specialization programmes of the Baptist Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) has been beseeched to embrace teamwork as they begin offering specialized care henceforth.
Dr. Ron Johnansen, a Cardiologist made the call in a commencement address at the graduation ceremony of the Institute. “Medicine is team sports. You have to be a team player. Listen to the nursing staff, appreciate and acknowledge them always because they spend more time with the patients,” advised Dr. Ron.
The graduation at Mbingo Baptist Hospital (MBH) on November 28, 2020, saw Dr. Mabanza Kibuka Tresor from the Democratic Republic of Congo triumphed as a surgeon after 5-long-years of studies at the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeon (PAACS). While Dr. Epande Richard Enang and Dr. Nkwetateba Eugene Andre all from Cameroon graduated as Internists after 4years at the Christian Internal Medicine Specialization (CIMS) programme.
Delivering a charge to the graduates qualified as the most succinct in the history of PAACS and CIMS graduation, Dr. Kouya Francine, Oncologist admonished the now termed specialists to model after the Hebrew midwives in Exodus 1:15, who feared God and didn’t yield to Pharaoh’s order to kill every male child birthed at the time. “Thanks to these midwives, we are today celebrating a ‘Moses’. The way you do your work, treating all patients equally and being a voice to them in health crises, you will be letting a ‘Moses’ in this generation to live,” retorted Dr. Kouya, herself a product from CIMS.
In a response shortly after receiving their accolades from the Directors of the two progra
mmes, Dr. Nkwetateba Eugene Andre on behalf of the graduates appreciated all who turned out en-masse to support them. “We grateful for the love and support you have shown us. Thank you for coming despite the prevailing circumstances in our country,” he said.
“We wish to by extension, express our appreciation to the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Health Services, Mbingo Baptist Hospital, and the Baptist Institute of Health Sciences for organizing this colourful graduation in our honour. Many thanks go to all the clinical staff whose support through our training was invaluable. To this, we say thank you,” quipped Dr. Nkwetateba.