In a small village near Mbouda (Bamesengue), lives a little youngster called Tsopou Tankeu Danelcia who was born on the 2nd of January 2011 with severe Bilateral Varus Knees. As soon as her father noticed that something was not right with his daughter’s legs, he rushed her to the Central Hospital in Mbouda. After the diagnosis, the cost of treatment and surgery were relatively high for him and he was taken aback because he did not expect the condition to be that serious. His next best alternative was to continually buy calcium for the child hoping this was going to make her bones stronger and less curved. As time went on, the disability rather increased. Her father was always distressed because he knew what was needed to correct his child’s legs but was helpless because no matter how hard he tried, he just could not raise the money.
Living with this disability was very hard for the young girl because she is the only one with this condition and so they considered it mystical. She is from a polygamous home whose standard of living was very low and their condition was deplorable. She always faced stigmatization from her friends and other family members. She hardly ever went out of the house for fear of being ridiculed because she was being called mean nicknames.
Danelcia was discovered by one of the community volunteers attached to Choose Life Generation, a Partner Organization of the Empoweremnt and Disability Inclusive Development (EDID) programme, during his habitual tour in the village. He then contacted the parents and discussed with them the possible treatment of the girl’s legs, and the rehabilitation to follow. After a period of verification and follow-up, the young girl was taken to Dr.Codjia. at the Clinic ARC-EN-CIEL in Bafoussam for the operation. The operation was successfully carried out and the child is now doing well.
Danelcia is back in school and always excitedly talks about her teacher and classmates when asked about her day. Her family members have also changed their attitudes toward her and there is harmony between her and her siblings. Her father is a happier man and says the guilt he usually had while watching his daughter, is gone. He further reiterated that he was also excited because her future is brighter.
By Clementina Njang Yong