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CBM/CBC Health Services Pilots Inclusive Health Care in Five Health Districts in the NWR

Work session by health districts and council staff

The CBC Health Services through the Comprehensive Program for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Access to Basic Services of Health and Education in the Northwest Region of Cameroon is piloting an inclusive healthcare service delivery initiative through a system-strengthening approach in five health districts in the Northwest region. This initiative is intended to bridge the gap of health inequalities that persons with disabilities continue to experience, resulting in premature deaths, poorer health, and more limitations in functioning than those without disabilities. The promotion of inclusive healthcare service delivery, in 5 districts’ health systems through a system-strengthening approach will demonstrate good practice in healthcare service provision with the hope that district healthcare services will be more accessible to everyone in the communities.

Accessibility audit in one of the districts
Accessibility audit in one of the districts

The activity commenced at the start of 2023 with capacity-building workshops on inclusive health delivery to the Nkambe, Wum, Fundong, Nkwen Santa health Districts and SAJOCA in Bafut. The workshops attended by nurses, physicians, social workers, and clerical staff of the different districts, were organized and facilitated by the Project team.  During the training in the different districts, the lead facilitator and Project Coordinator Lohshie Eugene drew participants’ attention to global national and local development agendas, beginning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their implication on inclusive health and universal health coverage. He underlined that promoting inclusive health as medical practitioners is supporting the government in achieving goal 3 of the SDG. The staff were also trained on disability inclusion in the health care system, Gender and Safeguarding, and the introduction of disability data management systems in the hospitals. The training in each district was followed by disability inclusion assessments and safeguarding risk assessments aimed at improving access to primary health services in the districts using the district approach. The accessibility audits done in the presence of administrative staff of the different Districts were focused on the entrances of the hospital facilities, parking space, doors, toilets, and generally, access to service delivery points in the facility.

The training and disability inclusion assessments culminated with a one-day work session with the District Medical Officers, Directors of District Hospitals, Mayors, and Sectary Generals from the five Districts. According to the Project Coordinator, the purpose of the meeting was to present the assessment report and reflect on the priority areas of each hospital so that the project will accompany the districts in demonstrating good practice in those areas. Presenting the audit report, the project coordinator highlighted the limitations in the different health facilities that make accessibility to different service points challenging.  In his report, he recommended improved knowledge on disability inclusion amongst staff, improved physical access to services such as lab, consultation, pharmacy, and toilets, and improved signages for identification of services with the facility amongst others. All present commended the Nkwen District for striving to make its healthcare services accessible to the population and those with disabilities in particular.

Dr Ambe Leonel hails CBCHS for being a great partner to the MoH
Dr Ambe Leonel hails CBCHS for being a great partner to the MoH

At the start of the Workshop, the representative of the Director of CBC Health Services Mr. Wango Barnabas said given the importance of inclusive health as stated in international and local legislature and other development agendas the districts have the role and responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind. He announced that as part of strategies to foster inclusion, the Director of the CBC Health Services is launching a District Excellence in Inclusive Health Award intended to recognize and celebrate districts that will demonstrate good practices in promoting inclusive health in their districts.   To support the districts in their efforts to promote inclusive health, the Director announced the donation of some hospital equipment such as accessible wheelchair scales, wheelchairs, crutches, and stretcher beds amongst others. He added that the donation will be handed to the Regional Delegation of Public Health for onward distribution to the various facilities.

Representing the Regional Delegate of Public Health, the Chief of Brigade for Control of Health Care Services and activities Dr Ambe Leonel regretted that the uptake and implementation of disability-inclusive practices within the health system not only in the region but the nation at large is slow and, in some cases, not available. He described the CBC Health Services as a significant partner to the government to enable them to promote inclusive health in the Region. He appreciated the CBC Health Services for supporting the government in achieving inclusive health services. “health care provision is only a reality when everyone is considered in the provision of services irrespective of their age, gender or vulnerabilities”. he stated.

Worthy of note is that the project manager Awa Jacques Chirac in his presentation shared the expectations of the project, calling on all to make provisions in their budgets to implement recommendations from accessibility audits and make provision for health subsidies for vulnerable groups amongst others. The participants were also drilled on the Complaint and Feedback Mechanism put in place by the Services Persons with Disabilities of the CBC Health Services to get feedback on its work on inclusion in the region

At the close of the workshop, the Mayor of Nkambe Council, Mayor Shey Mussa Nfor on behalf of all participants applauded the CBC Health Services for championing inclusion in the Region and for strengthening systems to promote inclusion. He implored the administration of the districts to get to work so that inclusive health would be a reality in the Region.